It's been quiet around here...
So the reason for the solitude on this blog over the past few days is that I have not stopped running from pillar to post (odd expression but its true - I have had them installed in my house – one at each end and they keep me fit...who needs a running machine when I have a pillar and a post!...okay that’s not true its the caffeine talking...but what great idea to sell through VeriMark!).
In the past few days I have left my old job (not my one air one although I have left that too now albeit for a sabbatical...confusing?) , and am now in the process of packing my bags for a three month stint in Las Vegas – life is fast round here people keep up!
Now I cannot tell you why I am going as its work based and we like to keep things hush here at MI5...dammit...that’s not true either, forget I told you. But suffice to say I cannot divulge my reasons for going or what I shall be doing there.
I can, however tell you the “in's and out” of the big city when I get there...which suddenly gives this blog a whole new reason for living! Not only will I be able to keep up with such socialites as Paris, Nicole and the rest of the celebutante strip-junkies, but I will also hopefully be bringing you first hand news of the Playboy bunnies hot off the press! After all dear readers Las Vegas is home to Hugh Hefner Drive!...where else would they be hiding out?
So a few good things have fallen from the apple tree with regards to this - as in previous posts I have been telling you my flat in Cape Town is still be restored / built / financially crippled over the past 2 years - my lease was up on my rented apartment this month and I was about to be homeless once more, save intervention from the parents. Fortunately fate stepped in and offered my bright lights, dessert air and an all-you-can-eat 24-hour buffet at the Bellagio.
So while I am away, the speedy little buggers XXXXXXX construction can while-away a few more good man hours, sitting in my flat chopping on a sarnie (genuinely - went to check progress on flat at 3pm a few days ago and apparently that is builders tea-party time...who knew?) and hopefully within three months and upon my triumphant return, perhaps they may have completed the geyser installation...well there is always hope.
Right now I am waiting on my British Passport to be delivered - this is a whole other story which frankly I feel to exhausted to explain here but suffice (third time I have used that word now) to say it was stolen / went "missing" in a move to my rented flat without my knowing - so when I came to start booking flights lo-and-behold me and the British High Commission nearly kick off World War 3... as always with bureaucracy they won…but I live to fight another day.
Okay must dash now and get the day started...
Moses lasted 40 days in the desert...but I have aircon, All-You-Can-Eat buffets and a water-mist spray, so I should be okay.
Infinity and Beyond...... With Tacos and chips (the casino ones) and dessert storms ahead... not to mention the likes of heff's bunnies in that part of the world.. You must be over the boobs with excitement.. Another continent closer to Shilou (mmmm the opportunity there) and well the top secret work just puts you right in the line of Crossing Jordon (I think that's Boston though hey?)... think they'll give you spot in Las Vegas too? We'll have to watch the blog to find out.......
After 3 months Shilou should be teething at least... perfect time to move in.. sooth the ache? (ag nee I didn't say that!)
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