Hugh the god of mansions and all things fluffy with tails....
I was talking about Hugh Heff the other night – possibly the best TV entertainment on right now after Eastenders and the re-runs of Felicia on the series channel…(okay thats a joke...)
Basically the whole show revolves around Heff, his three (count them…1…2…3!) Playboy bunnies Holly, Bridget and Kendra and the fun they have at the mansion…its TV genius…I am hooked...its like the first series of Survivor but with cute little bunny ears and lots of platinum hair dye!
The girls all pretend to get on well and love eachother - sure why wouldnt they be happy - roof over their head, millionaire boyfriend who must be close to buying the farm and their own TV show...heck I would do it! Except sleep with H...he's lovely but male and wrinkly...its just not me...but I would be happy to look after the girls...he must be tired every now and then...its the least I could do heff...
First time viewers may be forgiven for thinking Hugh is dating triplets...who's mother OD'd on a bottle of bleach and self tan just before popping them out...then H came along and adopted the poor orphans and raised them as his own....okay maybe thats my fantasy...things are getting blurred...
In fact each girl has her own personality and hair tone...although both are equally as subtle...each week E-TV plans to slowly peel back their complex characters and reveal the girl behind the bunny ears and Pam Anderson hairdo...
A quick synopsis of who is who in the Bunny cage:
Holly is a beautiful blonde from Alaska. She claims she is Hef’s number one girlfriend. Holly has been dating Hef for three and half years. She spends the night in Hef’s room and seems pretty possessive of her man. Holly also said she wants Hef to get rid of his other two girlfriends and focus completely on her.
Bridget is Hef’s second girlfriend. She is from California and has been dating Hef for three years, only 6 months less than Holly. Bridget said that she and Holly are best friends. Bridget said that most people think of two words when they see Hef’s girlfriends…bimbo and slut.
Kendra is girlfriend number three. Hef met her when she was waitressing a cocktail party at the Mansion. Granted her clothes were of the painted on variety but she was a cocktail waitress nonetheless. Kendra has been dating Hef for a year.
Right now my biggest problem is who do I like more?…Okay I have removed Heff from the running here; although he is a demi-god in my books…come on! At his age and he has three of them???…mind you he owns the company…and shares in Viagra no doubt.
To be honest although she is a bit posseive Holly is winning in my stakes at the moment – she is a good blend between brains and looks whereas the other two are either to athletic and thick; thats Kendra or a bit too “non-entity” in my opinion…that would be Bridge….
I might change my thoughts here – its early days, the bunnies have only just left the gates – we are only a week into the series…afterall I wasn’t a fan of the A-Teams Murdoch until about the third episoide, so I am reserving final judgemnet until the final screening…
I wait with baited breathe in my new purple velvet heff gown and remote control…
okay, now I can totally understand the admiration for, and aspiration to be the guy if you are a middle-aged, single guy with multiple partner fantasies (as they all do, boy's are so easy, sorry Uncle R).. And to be very honest I haven't seen the show, but as a female, who often has similar tendencies in thought only, logically feel that this is probably a recipe for the biggest cat fight on e-tv history? There will always be a dominant partner or the one he secretly enjoys more... there has to be!! and even as alike as they are in appearance, surely the "lovin" is unique...(cause clearly this is prediminantly a sexual connection?) AND It just gives me an underlying feeling of that masked-mansion scene in Eyes Wide Shut?? FIDELIO's the password Heff?
I don't know, just think that perhaps it's The Batchelor (which has been done and done and done)!on aging drugs, and couldn't think of anything worse than a shivvelled up .... Is this show targetted at men only? or pehaps my senses just haven't been tickled enough to get it? What am I missing Radio Guy?
You know to me perhaps its not real admiration – I might be a “boy” when I was writing that but if I take off my “boy” hat for a moment, I truly believe that the Hef is in the pound seat here.
He is getting exactly what he wants – three beautiful women (and lets be honest they are) at the age of 80 and he is exploiting every minute of it. And sadly he has every right too as long as these girls continue to play the game.
I am not wholly sure that the girls would be there had he not been Mr. Heffner? If it were plain old me and my standard income, with standard car and house I am pretty damn sure (in fact I know!!) that I would not have here bunnies vying for my attention and beyond that, actually being “happy’ with the situation.
It’s complete rubbish when they say they are happy – it stands to reason, even when measured on a Darwin scale of selection and competition – that these girls are hoping that eventually they will win. Eventually two others will fall away and they will end up with the man…sadly (sorry Heff) I think he will be the first to leave the foursome.
I whole heartedly agree (and you don’t need to have seen the show to get this), that this is being set-up as the biggest, whole sale cat fight waiting to happen…
It’s a Dog and Pony show just short of reality Mormonism TV…except this has bikinis and limousines instead of Salt Lake City suburbs and school runs.
If heff was the first to leave the foursome, that might make for a good ratings show? Oh wait... hasn't that been done? The L Word? but me in my very straight (men only) faze might even watch that ;-)
Yes, I guess money and status has everything to do with it then.. or agreed they wouldn't be there. So what do they "WIN" if they're the last bimbo on the floor or in his bed? Just him?
I'm not a terribly shallow person, or So I like to think, but couldn't think of anything worse than still being stuck with that c#*k for just the money?
Still missing something here i think... what's the motivation to watch then (for men, cause there isn't much for a woman right now) other than pure envy of "Heff in the Pound seat?"
Your quite right, there seems no sense for women to watch this...but then if I am not mistaken; didnt they have the Jerry hall thing where she went andchose a "slave" for herself...its not that far off the concept...
If Heff dies that would make awesome veiwing...the cat fight would then really be on!...however I do feel that "rich billionaire dies, blonde with big boobs devasted at loss..." story line was covered in the Anna Nicole show?...
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