I am struggling with news that a possible new party will be formed from a breakaway faction of the ANC.
The reason I struggle with this, is because the “breakaway group” is made up of those who didn’t get their way at Polokwane. They are also mostly politicians that have had 14 good years to prove themselves and didn’t.
So what do we ultimately end up with? A group of politicians who fought their way into the government by dubious politicking, up against a group of politicians who were ousted; who didn’t want to leave but did nothing while they were their anyway and are now forming a new party to get back in.
I can’t wait!
Nothing one can say here has not been said before. The government that is elected by the populous, is also the government that rules my life and yours. Even if you didn’t vote for them, they are still by default “your government” – as part of a country that feels the government may have put themselves before the general public, I get the feeling that we are on a ride right now where we can’t get off and we have no say or control of what is going on up in the engine room. Even if you are the most staunchest of ANC members, right now your say, according to the Government, means very little.
I read a great quote the other day and sadly don’t remember it verbatim, but it went something along the lines of “when the few at the front of the crowd are complaining loudly, it is very difficult to hear the whispers of the masses behind them”. (if you can point me in the right direction as to where I heard this please shout!)
Government is elected by the people – it’s there for the people – not the few that occupy it.
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