Truly, who are the yanks really voting for here?
Given that John McCain is in his 70’s with little hope of seeing through a first term as president, let alone a chance at shooting for second, Republican America is basically hoping like hell that Sarah Palin is going to be the woman who bails the US of A out of several quagmires they currently find themselves drowning in, over the next decade.
Its honest politics - to really get your teeth stuck into America, you have to see yourself through two terms. The first term is spent getting to grips with having to tell people that, actually the tax breaks you promised in your election campaign were complete bullshit, and the second term is spent reaping the rewards of those broken promises and paying back the people who put you in power in the first place – and don’t for a minute think I am suggesting the electorate here.
McCain has the chips stacked against him in even making the first four years, as brilliantly pointed out here by my former colleague Nic Marias (Marais) - http://nicmarais.com/?p=165#comment-162.
McCain’s inevitable senile dementia and / or death in the next 8 years, means that Palin moves on up from the pretty dreary no-mans land of VP (where lets face it she can’t do too much harm) right into the Monica Lewinsky’s old haunt in the Oval Office. This gun toting, bikini clad imbecile who currently runs America’s biggest ice-lolly (that’s Alaska. Ice and oil cash…lolly) will end up ruling the world, in one way or another.
The States has already proven itself as an equal opportunities employer; how else could Bush get the job had it not been? But to head down the road of possible Republican rule (ruin) for yet another 8 years breaks my heart.
From sub prime to sub-primal, it is time that those who voted for Bush (twice?) and are now thinking that the chick in the bikini with the hunting rifle can do a better job, to breath oxygen and think straight.
To be fair, Rich, the bikini-rifle pic is a photoshop job (albeit a good one). It seems that it had some effect on Larry Flynt though: the Hustler Corp. are making an "adult" film called Nailin' Palin', starring a lookalike. I kid you not.
agreed - but there are also plenty of pics out there with her in a bikini while she was trying to rule the world of beauty contests...and she is all for the Bible and bullets...
I think the pic kinda sums her up sadly...photoshop or not...
R :)
It's actually called Nailin' Paylin'. In one scene, Joe the Plumber shows up.
Or so I've heard.
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