I am looking for one article, scrap of paper…maybe even a misheard quote where the ruling party says, “oh yes! We did make a mistake there..terribly sorry about that”. Instead all I hear is denialism. Of course we didn’t do that. Of course people are not leaving the party. Of course Mbeki will support the party in the upcoming elections. Naturally we did not deviate from the freedom charter.
Its endless. Surely a modern day party should realize that it is allowed to have faults. Make mistakes and own up to them. It’s all part of growing and learning. Instead of constantly denying wrong-doings, consistently sounding like communist spin-doctor’s from the 60’s and 70’s start owning up to some mistakes here and there.
Trust me when I say people will start liking you more. This constant rant and denial against a possible failing of anything in the party is getting to the point where I will not be surprised if we start blaming colonial rule, the UK and USA for the failing of service delivery of the catering at the next slap up dinner / get-together.
Can we all just grow up and move the hell on? The majority of South African citizens want to see action. Some want houses, some want better safety and some just want to see their elected officials grow the f*ck up and start doing their jobs instead of finding every excuse to blame someone / something else for their job not been done.
If you are sitting at lunch, racking up huge bills at the tax payers expense while your portfolio is to deliver a better life to the people you serve and you can’t understand why the populous are asking questions of you, then you sir / madam are as bad as the last government.
Denial and blame are the weapons of old politics and the downfall of old rule. We as a country are better than that.
It’s not about race, getting one over on your perceived enemies or seeing how much wealth you can grab before your time in the sun is over.
It’s about making a difference – the difference that so many people (including yourselves) fought and died for.
Now grow up and f*cking start working.
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